To: Senate Democrats

Senate Democrats: Walk out of Rex Tillerson's confirmation vote in protest of Muslim ban, refugee...

Senate Democrats: Show your revulsion and shock over the Muslim and refugee ban. Walk out on Rex Tillerson's confirmation vote as secretary of state, as he would lead on implementing these shocking policies.

Why is this important?

Yesterday, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Jummah—the holiest day of the week for Muslims—Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration from at least seven majority-Muslim countries and freezing the U.S.'s refugee program for at least 120 days.

This week has been filled with terrible policy after terrible policy. To keep tally, Trump will:

- Follow through on his promise to build a wall along the U.S. and Mexico border—and that U.S. taxpayers or consumers will probably pay for it.
- Freeze the U.S. refugee program for 120 days, cut the current refugee quota by more than 50%, and take steps to initiate a "Muslim Ban"—targeting and banning immigration from upward of seven Muslim-majority countries.
- Call for a brutal immigration crackdown, including a likely acceleration of mass deportations and an effort to cut funding for sanctuary cities.

Amidst all of this, it's been Democratic mayors, attorneys general, and governors leading the way in standing up against these horrific policies. It's time for Senate Democrats to stop treating this like business as usual.

These discriminatory, anti-Muslim, bigoted, and xenophobic policies have no place here and we need to know the officials we have elected will stand with the communities Trump is putting in danger.

This is only the beginning. Many of these executive orders are Trump's attempt to normalize anti-Muslim and anti-Latino policies so that when he comes back with escalated policies, there won't be a way to stop them either. Muslim registries, deportations, and a repeal of DACA could be on the horizon.

Considering Trump's mother was an immigrant, and that his wife is an immigrant, we know these executive actions are not simply attacks on immigrants—they are attempts to further marginalize communities of color and, specifically, Muslims and Latinos.

Tell Senate Democrats it's time to take actions that are reflective of the danger communities of color will face under these policies. Tell them they must walk out of Rex Tillerson's confirmation vote.