To: Ed Lee, Mayor

SF Mayor Lee: Pass the First Tier of the Animal Bill of Rights

Pass the 1st tier of the citizen-initiated animal bill of rights, acknowledging animals as living creatures and requiring city agencies account for their suffering in all government decisions.

Why is this important?

In the wake of a daylight open rescue showing horrific abuse of animals in San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors has been presented with an animal bill of rights, which offers incremental progress towards the full abolition of animal exploitation. The first tier of this bill of rights asks the city to acknowledge the suffering of animals and legally require all city officials to account for animal suffering in its decisions and policy. By bearing witness to this suffering, city officials will be forced to justify the violence. Every city action that harms animals -- from "pest" management to food policy -- will be subject to public scrutiny and debate.

The public will quickly see there is not justification for animal-abusing policies and decisions, setting the city (and state) up for a full animal bill of rights.