To: scott russel, congressman, lee zeldin, congressman, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop The East Marion Community Association

The East Marion Community Association has become a special interest group, promoting the unlawful rental of properties in east Marion by its membership and committees, and even hosts its annual fundraiser in such a property.
They have represented some full-time residents, against our wishes, and without our consent, in a state and federal matter that governs the status of our homes. They sponsored a biased, non-inclusive, unfair, and special interest vote to promote the financial gain of these East Marion Community Association members who rent their homes illegally on internet rental sites.

Why is this important?

The East Marion Community Association sponsored a vote to include a number of main road homes into a historic district. This vote was biased because abstaining from the vote was considered a yes. Unfair, because co-owned homes were given a vote per owner, single owners got one vote. The vote was announced AFTER the historic committee had its ducks in a row, knowing that the vote was skewed to a windfall. Only owners who objected to the district had to vote, and to do so required the homeowner to notarize a document proving ownership and location, and then mail the objection to the parks department, all at the owner's expense. Some paperwork from the parks department was sent to addresses other than the actual residences and delivered AFTER all the hearings were completed. A number of residents were unaware that they had to write in a 'no' vote, and some did not receive ANY paperwork.
Some residents were under the impression that an actual vote was going to take place in the "COMMUNITY", which did not happen. The committee promoting this historic district was comprised largely of homeowners who rent their home outside the legal 2-week local code.
We ask that the "East Marion Community Association'' be dissolved because it has NOT acted on behalf of ALL the residents in this community. We also ask to see the emails and notes of the committee who researched this vote, which has resulted in our homes being registered in a historic district AGAINST our wishes.
We collectively ask that "The East Marion Community Association", of East Marion NY 11939, be dissolved at once before they force another, even more unwanted, biased, and unfair special interest agenda on its residents.