To: The United States Senate

Stop Trump from making appointments without Senate approval

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Jeff Sessions did the right thing by stepping back from the Trump-Russia investigations. Keep the Senate in Session to prevent a recess-appointment of a new Attorney General. Don't let Trump fire someone else for showing integrity!

Why is this important?

The critical question is: Should anyone regardless of innocence or guilt be able to hinder the process if he or she is on trial? I don't think anyone should be allowed to block the course of due process even if he or she is wrongly accused! However, there is a loophole Trump could use to do just that unless we close it.

If you agree that no one should interfer with the justice systems process please sign below! After signing ,please ask one other person to do so. If everyone would ask just one other person we would soon have double the amount and beyound
This is time critical. The Senate has vacation in August typically. If we want to ask that they stay in D.C. ( so that Trump can't interfere with the Russia investigation) we Need To Act Now! Thanks

If Trump replaces Sessions, the new Attorney General could halt the Russia investigation (MSNBC,2017). Normally, he would need Senate approval, but not if they are on vacation! (Chait, 2017)

The foundations of the democracy are threatened by the possibility that anyone could get away with unconstitutionally influencing the outcome of elections. It looks like Trump may fire anyone who acts with integrity in this matter (as he already fired an FBI director) (Kelly and Jonhson, 2017).


MSNBC. New Facts Uncovered About Donald Trump FBI Pick, Confirmation Vote Looms" | Rachel Maddow Filmed [Jul 24, 2017]. YouTube video, 22:52 Posted [July,2017].

Chait, J. (2017). How Trump Can Make His Authoritarian Fantasies Real, Updated. [online] Daily Intelligencer. [Accessed 26 Jul. 2017] Available at:

Kelly, E. and Jonhson, K. (2017). James Comey testimony: I was fired because of Russia investigation. [online] USA TODAY. Available at: [Accessed 26 Jul. 2017].

A note to my brothers and sisters in Christ: Even when Jesus was wrongfully charged he did not block the process of law (yes priests didn't follow the law which would have been all the more reason for blocking it). If Christ didn't, why should the President have the option to?