To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop Trump's Starvation Budget!

Demand that Congress reject the cruel $191 billion cuts to the life-saving Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in Trump's budget.

We should be helping Americans in need, not condemning them to starvation.

Why is this important?

Trump's budget has a proposal to cut Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (aka food stamps) by $191 billion over 10 years.

It is import to know who this impacts: Over 85 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include children, seniors, or those with disabilities, while 15 percent of all SNAP households are elderly individuals who live alone.

If that wasn't bad enough, the budget also works to dis-incentivize stores from even *accepting* SNAP, by proposing new fees that would charge retailers a fee for participating in SNAP. This is a dangerous idea which will lead to fewer stores accepting SNAP, making it even harder for Americans who've fallen on tough times to get food.
