To: Dan Bane, CEO, Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's: We want meat without drugs!

I urge you to source and sell only meat and poultry raised without antibiotics in all your Trader Joe's stores. The widespread use of antibiotics in food animals contributes to the spread of deadly, antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" in humans. We must preserve our antibiotics, and your leadership could begin to change the priorities for our nation's livestock producers. Thank you!

Why is this important?

Antibiotics are pumped into cows, chickens and pigs so they can survive in cramped, filthy feedlots and to make them grow faster. The more antibiotics our livestock eat, the more drug resistant bacteria become, putting us at risk from deadly "superbugs."

Grocery stores can play a critical role to help protect public health by asking their meat suppliers end this practice. We're looking to Trader Joe's, one of the nation's more progressive grocers, to commit to selling only meat raised without antibiotics.

Tell Trader Joe's to lead the way in getting animals off antibiotics!

Trader Joe's has shown concern for public health by refusing to sell products that have artificial colors, trans fats or GMOs. Let's get the grocer to take the next step!

Hundreds of thousands of consumers have already signed on demanding that Trader Joe's sell only meat without antibiotics. Add your name, and let's get our meat off of drugs.