To: Jeremy Stoppelman, Co-Founder and CEO of Yelp

Yelp: Your Customers Want You to Cut All Ties With ALEC

Mr. Stoppelman,

The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, develops and disseminates model legislation that is detrimental to the lives of consumers, voters, workers and their families - in other words, your customers.

No matter your intentions in joining ALEC, by paying thousands of dollars to sit on a task force you are supporting their efforts: including but not limited to voter suppression, union-busting, the privatization of education, and so-called "Stand Your Ground" laws.

A company that claims to help people should have nothing to do with these efforts. Please immediately cut all ties between Yelp and the ALEC.

Why is this important?

The online reviewing company Yelp has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. They have paid thousands of dollars to sit on ALEC's Civil Justice Task Force.

Whether Yelp likes it or not, that money will be used to further all areas of ALEC's pro-corporate agenda, from voter suppression and union-busting to "Stand Your Ground" laws.

More info here: